JLPT exam is conducted in July and December, worldwide and set the benchmark for Japanese Language proficiency. NAT exam is conducted more frequently. All our certification courses follow the standard and highly recommended books for learning purposes. Students are given mock tests and trained to crack the JLPT & NAT examinations.
We offer intensive fast-track courses for individuals who are looking at completing a course faster. Contact us for further information on this. Sayuri can customize a course for the corporate, small-mid -large business sector, colleges, institutes, young learners, large groups, and individuals.
We currently offer only online classes conducted as week day batches and week end batches. Your placement in a course is confirmed once payment is received. Strictly non-refundable. If you have any questions in regards to any of our courses or others please give us a call or whatsapp to discuss.
For more details on the Certifications click the link below
Duration: 3 Months
Study hrs: 80
Fees: ₹ 16,000
JLPT N5 is the basic level Japanese certification program, which focuses on familiarising students with phonetics, syntax, semantics, and basic vocabulary.
Duration: 4 Months
Study hrs: 130
Fees: ₹ 18,000
JLPT N4 course has a prerequisit to continue only after the JLPT N5 course, This includes more advanced grammar, a vocabulary of 1500 words, and 350 Kanji characters. Students should be able to comprehend and participate in day-to-day conversation and be able to write simple sentences in the Japanese script.
Course material and special handouts are provided to students during the course.
Duration: 5 Months
Study hrs: 350
Fees: ₹ 25,000
JLPT N3, The student starts stepping into an advanced level of understanding of the language. The classroom study includes 4000 words and 700 Kanji. The student will be able to read comprehension like news information, and also start to understand the television programs with ease.
Course material and special handouts are provided to students during the course.
Duration: 6 Months
Study hrs: 600
Fees: ₹ 50,000
JLPT N2, The student starts graduating to a more advanced level of understanding of the language. The classroom study includes 7000 words and 1200 Kanji s. The student will start having a command over the language, this level also allows the candidate to involve in more business conversations. This level is required for any education in a Japanese university.
Course material and special handouts are provided to students during the course.
Duration: 11 Months
Study hrs: 900
Fees: Contact Us for Pricing
JLPT N1, Is the most advanced level of JLPT. This includes a vocabulary of 10,000 words and 2000 Kanjis. The student will start having a command over the language, this level also allows the candidate to involve in more business conversations. This level is required for any education in a Japanese university
Course material and special handouts are provided to students during the course.